Pine Apple In Can

Our canned pine apple are made best raw material in Vietnam. The pine apple in Vietnam has better appearance and taste compared to other ries; Especially, the Queen variety.


 Pine apple in light syrup in 20 OZ (565 ml) can

Nw: 565gr, DW: >= 50%, Brix: 12-14%; Acid: 0.3-0.6%

24 tins/carton;


 Pine apple in light syrup in 30 OZ (850 ml) can

Nw: 565gr, DW: >= 50%, Brix: 12-14%; Acid: 0.3-0.6%

12 tins/carton;


Canned pineapples slices Slices 108oz (A10 can) Nw: 3000gr, DW: >= 50%, Brix: 12-14%;  Acid: 0.3 – 0.6%

6 tins/carton;
